The majority of college students nowadays graduate with an overwhelming amount of student loan debt. When previous generations attended these institutions, it was possible for some of these individuals to pay for college with part-time positions. Many students are forced to work multiple jobs while attending college full-time to afford extra-curricular activities. Tuition costs continue to rise, but it does not appear as if the quality of education is increasing in unison. Since most students graduate with the burden of debt, beginning adult life has never been more challenging. Various financial analysts believe the millennial generation may never recover from this circumstance. Top executives in this nation, such as Don Gayhardt watch new graduating classes enter the workforce looking to pay back loans. However, for the fortunate few, some individuals do not graduate with this burden.
Giving Back
Recently, Robert F. Smith, an alumnus of Morehouse College, surprisingly chose to pay off student loan debt for the most recent graduating class. Students receiving this unexpected gift were happy, and this story quickly spread throughout social media. Individuals who possess a substantial amount of wealth hold the stereotype of being selfish people who are only looking to become more prosperous. With that said, Robert F. Smith created a new paradigm for a wealthy alumnus to follow across the world. While every billionaire cannot be expected to give back to this degree, seeing young adults receive this type of help provides hope for future generations.
Investing in Yourself
When you plagued by insurmountable student loan debt, this type of burden is always lingering in the background. Individuals who took out loans for higher education are less likely to become homeowners and are often unable to start businesses. A vicious cycle many underprivileged students escape from turns into a new predicament created by societal circumstances. For the Morehouse College graduates who received this gift, they most likely are unaware of how drastically this shifted the likelihood of financial success. Lendors will look at these individuals more favorably because the ability to pay back debt is much higher without a current debt load. These graduates will be able to save for retirement, housing, and starting a family in the short-term.
Many millennials are postponing traditional milestones because of student loan debt and do not see a way out of this trap. However, if older generations take note of Robert F. Smith’s actions, these individuals can finally begin to create a life. As the amount of student loan debt taken out continues to increase year-over-year, attending college becomes a questionable endeavor. If you are an individual who is planning for a child to attend college, specific options are available to prepare for the future accordingly. Depending on your financial situation, it may be best to send your child to an affordable community college for the completion of general requirements. This decision could enable your child to graduate with little to no student loan debt and begin a career path, worry-free. Society needs its youth at full strength to create a better way forward for everyone.