Becoming a real estate agent can be a very rewarding career choice. Many realtors say that helping people find their forever homes is personally fulfilling and brings them great joy. Being a realtor can also be incredibly lucrative. Selling one large house can bring in enough income to support you and your family for a couple of months. On average, realtors earn about five percent of the total sale price of a house. Because realtors have such flexibility in their schedules getting a real estate license might be a good idea even just to earn some supplemental income. Or perhaps it could be a viable backup plan in case something happens with someone’s regular day job. Whatever the reason getting licensed is not a bad idea, especially because it’s fairly simple. Getting your Nevada real estate license online has never been easier and it might just lead to a new dream job.
How to Get Your Real Estate License
There are a few crucial steps you need to take in order to obtain your real estate license. First, though, you need to be at least 18 years of age in order to apply for a license. You also need to successfully pass a background check. This means you’ll need to go to a government agency to get your fingerprints taken so they can conduct a criminal background check. If you pass then you can begin taking classes in preparation for the state exam.
Required Classes
If you want to get your Nevada real estate license online you can take all of your required classes online. Nevada requires a total of ninety (90) hours of education. There are two categories of education. You will need a total of 45 hours of real estate principles and 45 hours of real estate law to meet your educational requirements. Keep in mind that many agencies offer online real estate classes, but all educational courses taken must be approved by the Nevada Real Estate Division in order to count towards your requirement.
Practice Testing
Although you will need to take the actual state exam in person you can take online practice courses which will help you successfully pass the state exam. Some online courses include over 2,000 practice test questions and provide the correct answers so you can learn from any mistakes you make.
State Exam
You must take the state exam within 12 months of completing the required hours of education. Don’t forget to bring proof of your education requirements and any required exam fees. If you pass the exam then you are eligible to apply for your state license and can begin searching for clients.