Why It Pays to ‘Pay It Forward’

The saying “pay it forward” has come to grow into a movement that is real and big. The idea is to make a generous gesture towards a stranger with no expectation of something in return. People are paying it forward all over the place and it is bringing great things to those and others.

The Background

Doing for others is a timeless notion. People have been doing it since the beginning of time. Lately, the signs of generosity have been dwindling away. People walk the streets without looking up and you can hardly borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbors anymore. Random individuals have been trying to keep this act alive and have made it into something big.

Whether you pay for a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you at Starbucks or help out a local family who is experiencing misfortune, those people are receiving something nice. Carrying out a task for someone who is struggling is also a great example. Any small gesture counts as kindness. Any gesture is appreciated.

The Receivers

Usually unsuspected, you are bringing a moment of happiness into the receiver’s day. They could have been having a bad morning or have something negative going on in their lives and that moment could have made their day. It also lets them know that there are still good people in this world. The act may be something they are in need of and may have brought relief.

The Givers

Doing something of this nature brings a great sense of pride and joy to the person who does so. Knowing they can help someone or pass along a small token of kindness makes their day too. The more personal the act for the receiver the better the giver might feel.

In the documentary “Project Pay It Forward”, interviewer Jason Hanold of Jason Hanold Associates and others go deeper into the lives of a few individuals who pay it forward often in life. Helping others with no expectations is how they give back to their communities. It is also a great way to show others who may not have heard of the movement that there is greatness alive.

It doesn’t always take money to show others that there are still nice people out there. No matter the gesture, producing good vibes and happier days among your community might be just the boost it needs. Once everyone gets on board, the world will be an even better place to live in.

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